Free Chinese Lessons - Unit 15:


Unit 15 从学校到火车站有多远?
Cóng xuéxiào dào huŏchēzhàn yŏu duō yuăn?
How far is it from the school to a bus station?


路人 A:从学校到火车站有多远?
LùrénA:Cóng xuéxiào dào huŏchēzhàn yŏu duō yuăn?
PasserbyA: How far the way from the school to a bus station?


路人 B:十公里左右。
LùrénB:Shígōnglĭ zuŏyòu。
PasserbyB:About 10 kilometers.


路人 A:怎么 去 呢?
LùrénA: Zěnme qù ne?
PasserbyA:How can I get there?


路人 B:过 马路,坐18 路公共汽车到终点站,然后换地铁。
LùrénB:Guò mălù,zuò shíbālùgōnggòngqìchē dàozhōngdiănzhàn,ránhòu huàn dìtiě。
PasserbyB: Go across the road, take Bus No. 18 to the last stop, and then take the subway.


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