Free Chinese Lessons - Unit 6:


   Unit 6 请问,附近有中国餐馆吗? Qĭng wèn,fùjìnyŏuzhōngguó cānguăn ma?
Excuse me. Is there a Chinese restaurant nearby?


1. 路人 A:请问 ,附近有中国餐馆吗?
Lùrén A:Qĭng wèn,fùjìnyŏuzhōngguó cānguăn ma?
Passerby A:Excuse me. Is there a Chinese restaurant nearby?

路人 B:就在那儿有一个。
Lùrén B:Jiù zài nàr yŏu yígè。
Passerby B: There is one just over there.


2. 路人A: 请问,图书馆在哪儿?
Lùrén A:Qĭng wèn,túshūguăn zài năr?
Passerby A: Excuse me. Where is the library?

Lùrén B:Duì bù qĭ,wŏbùzhīdào。
Passerby B: Sorry, I don`t know.


3.路人 A:你去哪儿?
Lùrén A:Nĭ qù năr?
Passerby A: Where are you going?

路人 B:我去办公室。
Lùrén B:Wŏqùbàngōngshì。
Passerby B: I am going to the office.


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